Friday, December 29, 2006

Our first three SHOUT OUTS

This is it guys, i'll reveal my first three shout outs of the week, i hope to make a daily shout out's if time will permit. My first shout out goes to...drummers feverously drumming for...The brains behind SHOUT OUT, the genius insect himself, antman( deafening applause could be heard >_<). The inspiration behind this blog who have a noble purpose to give chance and exposure to those who have worked their butts off (pardon for the language) just to give quality information to their readers. Who would hopefully set a trend to fellow bloggers to give chance to each other in gaining exposure, don't be selfish now my friends, come to think of it, you won't stand a chance in this competitive world called blogosphere / web on your own. So we hope you'll follow our lead and help each other =).

Our second shout out goes to...drums rolinggggggggggggg, Eric, one of the founders of, upon registering to mybloglog he would be your first contact / friend and would gladly help you navigate the systems user friendly interface. For those who don't know, it is a community of bloggers that was developed by unknown geniuses(except for eric^^^, i hope you'll reveal your conspirators eric) that offer a cool features such as cool copy paste widgets where you can see in real time who's your recent readers in your blog or site for that matter. A widget for the top link in your site, you'll let your readers be aware of the most popular links in your site. A tracking script that lets mybloglog track your update. Mybloglog is an excellent bloggers community, i've tried other communities but nothing comes close to it and to tell you the truth almost 60% of my traffice comes from mybloglog community.

My third and surely not that last SHOUT OUT goes to...gurushabad my first community member in my other blog in entitled a free and decent blog host, thank you for believing in me my friend, like garushabad i myself seek knowledge. In his blog you could find words of wisdom with regards to life and how to deal with it, i just hope you'll add an update to the blog >_<, coz im always checking that site for an additional words of wisdom hehehehe.

So there you have it my friends, our first three SHOUT OUTS of the week, please stay tuned for our weekly or perhaps if time will permit a daily shout out. Who knows, your blog / sites may end up here and be featured in this blog. Always remember, a link or referral from other sites will give you additional traffic and give a sense of satisfaction for your hard work.

1 comment:

surjit singh said...

Thanks for all the support.You are maintaining a wonderful blog.My Good Wishes.