Thursday, January 11, 2007

Free useful platform and ping service

I have 2 blogs being maintained, after each post i make i see to it that i ping every blog directory and RSS service i signed into to let them know that i made an update or a new post. For a couple of blogs i know its an ardous task to ping your blog and jumping from one site to another. What if you have more blogs, podcast or sites being maintained than i do? wouldn't it be more diffult?. offers you an alternative to this problem. It's a free pinger service that allows you to ping known blogdirectories and feed services. Membership is free, and pinging services is free as well. After signing as a member you could start ping, just enter your blog or sites url. It has a real time ping window which show the actual ping response from the servers, it makes more sense than a success or failure response. It also has ping success rate beside each service which will tell you the success rate if you ping a certain service. Im a member of autopinger and using it since, fell free to check it out or better yet try it its free.

Another useful service that i have encountered is Mobile O/X. A free platform that allows you to access all your favorite sites simply by typing in your own personalized domain from any browser on any computer. Yes you heard me right you can make your own personalized domain and Mobile O/X offers it for free. If your not currently satisfied with your domain name or want to add a personalized touch to it i suggest you check out its free services.

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